Saturday, March 28, 2009


I got the job!!! I start on Monday, working in the Sales Department at the Hilton in Alexandria, VA and am VERY excited! Praise God!

Here's a link to the hotel if you're curious...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This past Saturday, Jason and I went to Manassas, VA to see the battlefield of First and Second Manassas (Bull Run). Going to historical sites is always fun with Jason, especially Civil War ones, because I have my own personal tour guide! We walked the marked trail to see the different sites that are still standing, and then we wandered off onto another trail. And we walked, and walked, and walked...and didn't know exactly where it was taking us, so we turned around and went back. Come to find out, it was a LONG trail and we probably made the right decision.  : )

Here's some photos that Jason took...

The trail we walked.

Stonewall Jackson.

Where he got his famous nickname.

Judith Henry's grave. (her house was on the battlefield)

Civil War cannon.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Things are still going well up in Virginia. Jason is settling into his new office and is enjoying his job. Becky had an interview this morning at the went really well and now we're just waiting to hear the results. *fingers crossed*

We recently tried Five Guys burgers, which are a big thing in this area. (think In-n-Out Burgers, for the east coast) Very yummy, but doesn't beat Braums burgers, according to Jason!  : )

We've also bought a GPS, so hopefully we (meaning Becky) won't get lost on these new roads. 

Monday, March 16, 2009


We're here!! After a long weekend of driving (in the rain), we've arrived in Springfield, Virginia. Thank God for a safe we're getting settled in and acquainted with everything. Jason will go in the office for a little while tomorrow and I'm job hunting still. There's an opening at the Hilton in Alexandria that I'll check out tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

We miss Texas and everyone there! And baby Cole was born on Saturday evening, so sadly we just missed him! Congrats to the Warner family!  : )