Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So, this time of year brings preparation for the annual trip to Washington DC for the March for Life. For those who don't know, the March for Life is an annual pro-life march in DC, marking the day that Roe v Wade was passed back in 1973. It's a very peaceful protest and you'll see people of all ages, races, and religions there to stand up for the gift of life. This year, it occurs right after Obama's inaguration, so the streets will probably be packed. It will definitely be interesting to see how it all turns out!

There's a group that's gone from the Dallas-Fort Worth area for several years now. This will be my 3rd year to attend with this group. Every year has been eventful, but last year has topped them all, because it's when Jason proposed (awww). To make a long story short, there's a HUGE basilica there in DC where we designated a 'special spot' that we go to each time we're there. In 2008, when we went to this spot, Jason popped the question and the rest is history.

Here's a photo of the engagement...

Here's a photo of the group that went in 2008, in front of the basilica...

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