Tuesday, January 6, 2009

new year, new blog

Hello everyone! Hope yall had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

So, after being inspired by a blogging friend (thanks Lauren), I figured what better time to start one than when starting a new year?

I'm hoping to keep in better contact with friends and family, and this seems like a fun and easy way to do so, especially with those who are farther away. With so many things happening in life, this should be a good way for people to stay updated on what's going on in the new Spoolstra family.

So, look forward to stories and photos! : )

God bless+


  1. Congrats to the new Spoolstra family! :)

  2. Yay! Blogging is fun! :)

  3. Will enjoy reading every post! Thanks for letting us know~
