Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter/Granparents/Warm Weather!

Blessed Be God!!!

Hello all! This is Jason giving a blog. Don't worry, Becky will still be posting, but I know a lot of you have been asking for updates, and my wife has been busy with her new job, so I thought I would step in for a little bit and help out.

So it's been while so let me catch you up:

Becky and I celebrated our first Seder, which is a Jewish tradition of the Passover. It said to drink four glasses of wine! We stuck with four sips. My great aunt Judy was able to come over for it, and we had a great time.

We also helped out with the Living Stations on Good Friday. I was a guard! (So don't mess with me). There were several hundred people out there to watch us. The youth led all the other parts and did a great job!

Becky and I then went to the Easter Vigil mass. Becky got a little sleepy b/c they left the lights off all the way until the Gospel reading. There were lots of baptisms, confirmations, and first communions! Praise God! I also shaved off my Lenten Beard. My cousin cried that I had shaved it. haha. Then after the Mass we came home and Becky and I got to put out the easter eggs for them to hunt for the next morning. Of course the next morning we find all but one! Oh well, it'll turn up somewhere. The lunch/dinner was AMAZING!!! My aunt Linda went way over and beyond with her 7 desserts and unending food. yummm. She even did a great job with our dessert, Tiramisu!

My Grandparents (on my mom's side) came up for vacation this past week. They traveled all over this area to visit family. We got to spend much the past weekends with them. It was great having them up here. Pap Pap killed me at 500, I finally beat him in our last game (after he beat me the first 4).

Finally, the weather up here has been unseasonably warm! 90's for the past 4 days! It's been warmer here than it has been down in TX! Craziness!>!?! BUT the trees are finally starting to bring out their leaves and everything is beautiful and green.

I think that's plenty long.

Stay tuned to up coming posts! (sneak peak: Emmitsville, Catholic Underground, and Texas A&M)

God Bless
Jason & Becky

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