Thursday, May 14, 2009

LOST FINALE!/Biggest Loser/ Bugs

Blessed Be God!!!
St. Matthias, pray for us!

Aloha everyone,

So a few things to report back:

Anyone LOST fans that read this? Becky got me hooked on the show! Last night was a great season finale, and now we have to wait till 2010! ugh! Patience I know. Seriously, if you don't watch you, you really need to. go to ABC and start from the beginning, otherwise you won't get anything else.

Speaking of Finales. We watched the Biggest Loser finale. Besides having technical issues with the DVR, it kept screwing up, Helen won! UGH! I did NOT want her to win. I wanted to see Tara, Mike, THEN Helen. I never liked Helen. I don't know why, I just annoyed me. Anyways, great season overall, definately inspired me to do a Half-Marathon in November, but more on that later. For my personal weight loss, if anyone wanted to know, I'm down 55 pounds! I have a little more to lose, but I wanted show my before and after pictures:

MAY 2008

MAY 2009
(Same T-Shirt)

I wanted to share with you the crazy bugs up here! First this past weekend Becky and I were working out and my Aunt Linda told me there was a big bee in the laundry room. I went to go check it out, and this thing was HUGE!!! Probably about an inch in length and the abdomen had to be about the diameter of a nickel. Biggest Bee I ever saw.

Then we have Cave Crickets/Spider Crickets/Camel Back Crickets (many names same bug). They have a body of a cricket in a smaller size, but have long spidery looking legs and long antennas. These are not black, but a green, grayish, weird colors. These things are VERY jumpy. They are also not afraid of people. If you try to attack them they jump AT YOU! I usually find one a day. Oh and they can climb walls! So I try not to think about that when we're going to bed. Linda says they are only during the spring time so hopefully they'll be dying off soon.

I promise I will get pics of our picnic up tomorrow. My mom comes in tomorrow too! Pray that she gets in safely and has a great time while she's here.

Until next time!

Love you all and miss you guys
God Bless
Jason & Becky

1 comment:

  1. Jason - you look great! Super job. Give a big hug to Becky for me. We miss you guys!
